Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July

The 4th of July is Kansas is awesome because we don't really have any restrictions on fireworks like Utah does. The fireworks that people light off are just as good as the ones that the city does. Michael and his brothers were able to talk Dad into buying some sweet fireworks. We started out with poppers and snakes for Benjamin and then we took a walk to High Park to see what was going on there, but by the time we got there we wanted to go back home because it was getting dark so we wanted to do fireworks. So, we ate some free watermelon and then walked back home. Let the fun begin! Benjamin didn't want to watch the fireworks so he was inside watching a movie while we lit off fireworks. We didn't get any pictures of the big fireworks because we couldn't find our camera. Sigh. It was a lot of fun though. The boys had a lot of fun lighting them. They were about as fun to watch as the fireworks were.

Tuesday the Davis' had to leave us and go back home :(   That was a sad day. We miss hanging out with them. It would be nice to be closer to family. Maybe someday. Thank you Davis' for a great time. This ends our vacationing adventures. We love you all and for those who were weren't able to see in Utah we miss you and hope that we will be able to see you next time!

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