Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby Update

I went for my weekly doctor's appointment on Wednesday and met with my doctor and he said that I am dialated to between 1 1/2 and 2 cm. He also looked at my rash again and it has spread to my arms and my legs, so basically it is over pretty much my whole body. He said that it is a pregnany rash and that it won't go away until the baby comes. It will either stay the same or get worse. At my last appointment we talked about the possibility of being induced if the rash did not go away, so he told me that his advice would be to go ahead and schedule an induction because of the rash since I have started to dialate. We are scheduled to be induced on Tuesday at 6:30AM if our baby has not come by then. My parents will be arriving here tomorrow evening and we will await the coming of our baby.


Brandon and Julie said...

it is so close for your little man to be here. I am excited to see pictures and to hear all about him. what did you guys decide on a name? I am sorry to hear about the rash, but glad that it goes away after birthing. that is always a plus to hear it will go away. Good luck, hope everything goes well!!

Katie said...

Congratulations on the baby. i can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures of him. What did you decide to name him? Love ya!